Getting Started



  1. Edit bin/configs/config.json either open in Notepad/++ or vi bin/configs/config.json. Config Instructions

  2. Create bot token

  3. Input your bot token and config options.
  4. Fill out the rest of the config options.

  5. Edit bin/alarms/alarms.json either open in Notepad/++ or vi bin/alarms/alarms.json.

  6. Fill out the alarms file. Alarm Instructions

  7. Create directory bin/geofences if it doesn't already exist.

  8. Create/copy geofence files to geofences folder. Geofence Instructions

  9. Add dotnet to your environment path if it isn't already (optional):

export PATH=~/.dotnet/:$PATH


To run via command line arguments click here.

  1. Build executable from root folder:
dotnet build
  1. Start Webhook Manager:
dotnet WhMgr.dll
dotnet WhMgr.dll --config test.json --name test
  1. User Interface for members to create subscriptions from a website. WhMgr UI
  2. Optional reverse location lookup with OpenStreetMaps Nominatim or Google Maps, instructions here

Admin Dashboard

Webhook Manager comes with a built-in Admin dashboard to configure and manage all config, discord, filter, geofence, etc files.
Visit the dashboard at

Discord Permissions

Discord recently enabled a new feature that requires you to enable the Privileged Gateway Intents options in the Discord Developers Portal to access Discord member lists.

The bot requires the following Discord permissions:

  • Read Messages
  • Send Messages
  • Manage Messages (Prune quest channels)
  • Manage Roles (If cities are enabled)
  • Manage Emojis
  • Embed Links
  • Attach Files (export command)
  • Use External Emojis


  • If dotnet is not in your path, you'll need to use ~/.dotnet/dotnet instead of just dotnet for commands.
  • If you ran the original install command as root, dotnet will be located at /root/.dotnet/dotnet and you'll need to either use that for build commands or replace the ~/.dotnet/dotnet path with it when adding to your path.
  • Upon starting, database tables will be automatically created if subscriptions.enabled is set to true. Emoji icons are also created in the specified EmojiGuildId upon connecting to Discord.