Dynamic Text Replacement

Use any of the following in your embeds file to structure how notifications will look for Pokemon.


Place Holder Description Example
pkmn_id Pokedex ID 1
pkmn_id_3 Pokedex ID (always 3 digits) 001
pkmn_name Pokemon name Bulbasaur
pkmn_img_url Pokemon image url http://example.com/your-specified-pokemon-url
form Pokemon form name Alolan
form_id Form ID 65
form_id_3 Form ID (always 3 digits) 065
costume Costume name Witch Hat
costume_id Costume ID 835
costume_id_3 Costume ID (always 3 digits) 835
cp Combat Power value 1525
lvl Pokemon level 25
gender Pokemon gender Gender icon
gender_emoji Pokemon gender emoji <:00000:gender_male>
size Pokemon size Big
move_1 Fast move name Quick Attack
move_2 Charge move name Thunder
moveset Fast & Charge move names Quick Attack/Thunder
type_1 Pokemon type Dark
type_2 Pokemon type Water
types Both Pokemon types (if 2nd exists) Dark/Fire
types_emoji Type Discord emoji <:00000:types_fire> <00001:types_dark>
atk_iv Attack IV stat 15
def_iv Defense IV stat 7
sta_iv Stamina IV stat 13
iv IV stat (including percent sign) 100%
iv_rnd Rounded IV stat 96%
is_great Great League stats (bool) true
is_ultra Ultra League stats (bool) false
is_pvp Has either Great or Ultra league stats true
great_league_emoji Great League emoji icon <000000:league_great>
ultra_league_emoji Ultra League emoji icon <000000:league_ultra>
pvp_stats PvP stat ranking strings
height Pokemon height 0.79
weight Pokemon weight 116
is_ditto Checks if Ditto true
original_pkmn_id Pokedex ID of Ditto disguise 13
original_pkmn_id_3 Pokedex ID of Ditto disguise (always 3 digits) 013
original_pkmn_name Pokemon name of Ditto diguise Weedle
is_weather_boosted Returns if Pokemon is weather boosted true
has_weather Returns if Pokemon data has weather false
weather Weather in-game name PartlyCloudy
weather_emoji Weather in-game emoji Weather
username Account username of account that found Pokemon Frank0324
spawnpoint_id Spawnpoint ID Pokemon near 3920849203840983204980
encounter_id Encounter ID of Pokemon 392874987239487924
despawn_time Pokemon despawn time 07:33:01 PM
despawn_time_24h Pokemon despawn time (24-hour format) 19:33:01
despawn_time_verified Indicates if time is confirmed or not ~ for not verified
is_despawn_time_verified Returns if despawn time is verified true
time_left Minutes and seconds of time left until despawn 29m, 30s
geofence Geofence name Pokemon is in City1
address Google Maps or OSM Nominatim address from geocoordinates 123 Fake St
lat Latitude coordinate of Pokemon location 5.980921321
lng Longitude coordinate of Pokemon location 3.109283009
lat_5 Latitude coordinate shortend to 5th precision 5.98092
lng_5 Longitude coordinate shortend to 5th precision 3.10928
tilemaps_url Static tile map url http://tiles.example.com/static/pokemon-1.png
gmaps_url Google maps location url https://maps.google.com/maps?q=5.980921321,3.109283009
applemaps_url Apple maps location url https://maps.apple.com/maps?daddr=5.980921321,3.109283009
wazemaps_url Waze maps location url https://www.waze.com/ul?ll=5.980921321,3.109283009&navigate=yes
near_pokestop Returns if Pokemon is near a Pokestop true
pokestop_id Nearby Pokestop ID 9382498723849792348798234.16
pokestop_name Name of nearby Pokestop The Amazing Pokestop
pokestop_url Image url of nearby Pokestop https://google.com/imgs/gym.png
guild_name Name of Guild Test Guild
guild_img_url Icon image url of Guild https://discordapp.com/image1.png
date_time Current date and time 12/12/2020 12:12:12 PM
br Newline break \r\n