Dynamic Text Replacement

Use any of the following in your embeds file to structure how notifications will look for Pokestop Lures.

Pokestops (Lures)

Place Holder Description Example
has_lure Returns if Pokestop has active lure module deployed true
lure_type Pokestop lure module type Glacial
lure_expire_time Time lure module will expire 07:33:19 PM
lure_expire_time_24h Time lure module will expire (24-hour format) 19:33:19
lure_expire_time_left Time left until lure module expires 13m, 2s
power_up_level Pokestop power level 1
power_up_points Pokestop's total power level points 100
power_up_end_time Pokestop's power up end time 10:15:09 PM
power_up_end_time_24h Pokestop's power up end time (24-hour format) 13:28:30
power_up_end_time_left Pokestop's power up time left until expires 14m, 10s
geofence Geofence name raid boss is in City1
address Google Maps or OSM Nominatim address from geocoordinates 123 Fake St
lat Latitude coordinate of Pokemon location 5.980921321
lng Longitude coordinate of Pokemon location 3.109283009
lat_5 Latitude coordinate shortend to 5th precision 5.98092
lng_5 Longitude coordinate shortend to 5th precision 3.10928
tilemaps_url Static tile map url http://tiles.example.com/static/pokemon-1.png
gmaps_url Google maps location url https://maps.google.com/maps?q=5.980921321,3.109283009
applemaps_url Apple maps location url https://maps.apple.com/maps?daddr=5.980921321,3.109283009
wazemaps_url Waze maps location url https://www.waze.com/ul?ll=5.980921321,3.109283009&navigate=yes
pokestop_id Pokestop ID 9382498723849792348798234.16
pokestop_name Name of Pokestop The Amazing Pokestop
pokestop_url Image url of Gym https://google.com/imgs/gym.png
lure_img_url Image url of lure icon https://google.com/imgs/lure_501.png
guild_name Name of Guild Test Guild
guild_img_url Icon image url of Guild https://discordapp.com/image1.png
date_time Current date and time 12/12/2020 12:12:12 PM
br Newline break \r\n