Subscription Commands

Parameters in <> are required parameters.
Parameters in [] are optional parameters and default values will be used if not provided.


enable - Enable direct message subscription notifications.
disable - Disable direct message subscription notifications.
info - List all Pokemon, Raid, Quest, Invasion, Lure, and Gym subscriptions and settings.
expire / expires - Check stripe API when Donor/Supporter subscription expires.
set-number - Set a phone number to receive text message alerts for ultra rare Pokemon.

set-distance - Set minimum distance to Pokemon, raids, quests, invasions and gyms need to be within. (Measured in meters)
Usage: set-distance <meters> <latitude>,<longitude>

  • <meters> - Distance in meters from location.
  • <latitude> - Latitude part of the location's coordinate pair.
  • <longitude> - Longitude part of the location's coordinate pair.


  • .set-distance 10 34.00001, -119.22222

Interactive Subscriptions

add - Guided mode for adding new subscriptions.
remove - Guided mode for removing existing subscriptions.


pokeme - Subscribe to specific Pokemon notifications.
Usage: pokeme <pokemon> [iv] [level] [gender] [city]

  • <pokemon>[-form] - Parameter can take a list of Ids or names or the all keyword for everything as well as gen3 for all 3rd generation Pokemon. You can also subscribe to specific forms with a hyphen then the form name.
  • <iv> - (Optional) Minimum IV value, or individual attack, defense, and stamina values i.e. 0-14-15
  • <min_level>[-max_level] - (Optional) Minimum level value or minimum and maximum level range.
  • <gender> - (Optional) Specific gender m or f or * for all.
  • <city> - (Optional) Specify a specific city or all. Omitting the city will assume all cities.


  • .pokeme gen3 100
  • .pokeme 1-151 100
  • .pokeme tyranitar
  • .pokeme Marowak-Alola 100
  • .pokeme Dragonite 0 20-35
  • .pokeme pikachu 100 35 f
  • .pokeme pikachu 100 35 f city1,city2
  • .pokeme Skarmory 0-15-15 12
  • .pokeme pikachu 100
  • .pokeme all 100 35

pokemenot - Unsubscribe from specific Pokemon notifications.
Usage: pokemenot <pokemon> [city]

  • <pokemon>[-form] - Parameter can take a list of Ids or names or the all keyword for everything.
  • <city> - (Optional) Specify a specific city or all. Omitting the city will assume all cities.


  • .pokemenot pikachu
  • .pokemenot pikachu city1
  • .pokemenot Ratatta-Alola
  • .pokemenot all all
  • .pokemenot all


pvpme - Subscribe to PvP ranked Pokemon notifications.
Usage: pvpme <pokemon> <league> <rank> <percent> [city]

  • <pokemon> - Parameter can take a list of Ids or names or the all keyword for everything.
  • <league> - great, ultra, or master (master not current implemented).
  • <rank> - Minimum great or ultra league ranking.
  • <percent> - Minimum league ranking product percentage.
  • <city> - (Optional) Specify a specific city or all. Omitting the city will assume all cities.


  • .pvpme skarmory great 5 99.3
  • .pvpme roselia ultra 1 100
  • .pvpme beldum ultra 5 99 city1

pvpmenot - Unsubscribe from PvP ranked Pokemon notifications.
Usage: pvpmenot <pokemon> <league> [city]

  • <pokemon> - Parameter can take a list of Ids or names or the all keyword for everything.
  • <league> - great, ultra, or master (master not current implemented).
  • <city> - (Optional) Specify a specific city or all. Omitting the city will assume all cities.


  • .pvpmenot skarmory great
  • .pvpmenot all great city1
  • .pvpmenot all great
  • .pvpmenot all ultra


raidme - Subscribe to specific Raid notifications.
Usage: raidme <pokemon> [city]

  • <pokemon>[-form] - Parameter can take a list of Ids or names or the all keyword for everything as well as gen3 for all 3rd generation Pokemon. You can also subscribe to specific forms with a hyphen then the form name.
  • [city] - (Optional) City name to get the notifications for or leave blank for all available cities.


  • .raidme Tyranitar
  • .raidme Ponyta-Galarian
  • .raidme mewtwo city1

raidmenot - Unsubscribe from specific Raid notifications.
Usage: raidmenot <pokemon> [city]

  • <pokemon>[-form] - Parameter can take a list of Ids or names or the all keyword for everything as well as gen3 for all 3rd generation Pokemon. You can also subscribe to specific forms with a hyphen then the form name.
  • [city] - (Optional) City name to get the notifications for or leave blank for all available cities.


  • .raidmenot Tyranitar
  • .raidmenot mewtwo city1
  • .raidmenot all
  • .raidmenot all city1


gymme - Subscribe to specific Gym notifications. These are used with your raid subscriptions and only receive raid alerts for the gyms subscribed.
Usage: gymme <gym name>

  • <gym name> - Exact or partial gym name to match against.


  • .gymme Best Gym ever

gymmenot - Unsubscribe from specific Gym notifications.
Usage: gymmenot <gym name>

  • <gym name> - Exact or partial gym name to match against.


  • .gymmenot Best Gym ever


questme - Subscribe to specific field research quest notifications.
Usage: questme <reward> [city]

  • <reward> - Reward keyword of the field research quest.
  • [city] - (Optional) City name to get the notifications for or leave blank for all available cities.


  • .questme chansey
  • .questme dratini city1
  • .questme nanab

questmenot - Unsubscribe from specific field research quest notifications.
Usage: questmenot <reward> [city]

  • <reward> - Reward keyword of the field research quest or the all keyword for everything.
  • [city] - (Optional) City name to get the notifications for or leave blank for all available cities.


  • .questmenot chansey
  • .questmenot dratini city1
  • .questmenot nanab
  • .questmenot all

Team Rocket Invasions

invme - Subscribe to specific Team Rocket invasion notifications.
Usage: invme <reward_pokemon> [city]

  • <reward_pokemon> - Reward Pokemon i.e. Dratini, 147
  • [city] - (Optional) City name to get the notifications for or leave blank for all available cities.


  • .invme Beldum
  • .invme beldum city1

invmenot - Unsubscribe from specific Team Rocket invasion notifications.
Usage: invmenot <reward_pokemon> [city]

  • <reward_pokemon> - Pokemon reward i.e. Pikachu, 25
  • [city] - (Optional) City name to get the notifications for or leave blank for all available cities.


  • .invmenot Bulbasaur
  • .invmenot Dratini city1
  • .invmenot all

Pokestop Lures

lureme - Subscribe to specific Pokestop lure type notifications.
Usage: lureme <lure_type> [city]

  • <lure_type> - Pokestop lure type i.e. All, Normal, Glacial, Mossy, Magnetic, 501, 504
  • [city] - (Optional) City name to get the notifications for or leave blank for all available cities.


  • .lureme
  • .lureme all all
  • .lureme all city1
  • .lureme norm city1
  • .lureme glacial,501,moss city1,city2

luremenot - Unsubscribe from specific Pokestop lure type notifications.
Usage: luremenot <lure_type> [city]

  • <lure_type> - Pokestop lure type i.e. Normal, Glacial, Mossy, Magnetic, 501, 504
  • [city] - (Optional) City name to get the notifications for or leave blank for all available cities.


  • .luremenot
  • .luremenot all all
  • .luremenot all city1
  • .luremenot norm city1
  • .luremenot glacial,501,moss city1,city2


import - Import saved subscriptions file.
export - Export subscriptions config file.

Icon Style

icons- List available icon styles to choose from.
set-icons - Set icon style to use for direct message notifications.

City Role Assignment

cities / feeds - List all available city roles.
feedme - Assign city role.
feedmenot - Unassign city role.